Unlocking the truth behind who really has your best interest in mind.
You shouldn’t let an insurance company persuade you into going to an auto body shop of their choice to repair your vehicle after a collision. After all, you pay for car insurance to ensure that your car is protected by being repaired to factory, pre-loss condition; not to save your insurer money at your expense.
Feeling Pressured by Your Insurance Company? We Get It
Here are the top 3 common myths insurance companies tell customers to sway them into choosing an auto body shop on their choice, on their preferred list; resulting in mediocre repairs at the expense of the consumer.
That shop isn’t on our preferred list.
That’s fine. In Massachusetts, you have the right to choose who repairs your vehicle. Typically, shops that are not on the preferred list have your best interest in mind. Our repair facility chooses not to be on insurance companies preferred lists because we choose to work for you. We work with all insurance providers to ensure your vehicle is repaired to pre-loss conditions. In short, we don’t cut corners to save your insurance company pennies.
We can’t guarantee the work if you go to that shop.
That’s fine too because insurance companies don’t have warranties; auto body shops do. Harris guarantees every customer with lifetime warranty for our repairs as long as you own your vehicle, at no additional cost.
You will be responsible for any additional cost for repairs after the initial estimate.
That is not true. Vehicles today are very complex; so identifying additional or hidden damages during the car disassembling process is very common. If additional damages are uncovered, they are documented in a supplement which details the work required to restore your vehicle to pre-loss condition and provided to your insurance company. The insurance company is responsible to pay for these repairs.
Why Choose Harris
We are not a listed as preferred repair collision center for any insurance companies because we chose not to be. As an independently owned and operated repair facility, we do not rely on insurance companies to provide us with work nor do we work for them; we work for our customers. We ensure that your vehicle is delivered back to you in perfect, pre-loss condition. We do not cut corners; we do what’s best for you.